

miércoles, 18 de febrero de 2009

Log Book

Log Book:



Dublin és la nostra ciutat, aquí us deixem unes quantes dades importants, que creiem que heu de saber:
Formació viquinga.

País : Irlanda (és la capital)

Poblaió: 495.781
Ciutats agermanades:
· Barcelona
· León
· Budapest
· Liverpool
· Matsue (Japó)
· Monterrey (Mexic)
· San José (California)
· Lavallol (Buenos Aires)
Gentilici: dublinés


5 Questions TRIVIAL

1. Where is Queenstown?
On the coast
On the mountain
On the center of Ireland

2.What is the captain’s name of the ship which took them to CORK?
a) Capitan Steddy
b) Capitan Silver
c) Capitan Speedy

3. What time was Fogg trying to arrive in Liverpool?
a) 9:45 a.m.
b) 8:45 p.m.
c) 10:35 p.m.

4.What is the journey that the post does?
a) USA , Liverpool, Dublin
b) Dublin, Liverpool, USAUSA , Dublin, Liverpool
c) USA , Dublin, Liverpool

5. With what transport does the post arrive in Dublin?
a) Ship
b) Car
c) Train


The Bedford Tower-Builder

The Bedford Hall Suite is situated on the 1st floor of Castle Hall and incorporates the 18th century Bedford Tower.It's specially suited for smaller meetings of up to 80 delegates.Bedford Hall accommodates 40 people in board room layout or 80 in theatre style.

martes, 17 de febrero de 2009


Avui el geographer ha començat el qüestionari. El builder ha acabat l'edifici. l'speaker no ha vingut, es trobava malament. I el writer ha acabat la tasca del trivial, ha fet el daily plan i ha començat a buscar imatges.

Today the geogrpher has begun the questionary. The builder has finished the building. The speaker has not come. And the writer has arranged 5 questions of the trivial task, has made daily plan and has started looking for images.


Holaa !!
Avui el geographer acabarà la primera part de la postcard. El builder ha anat d'excursió a BCN. El writer i l'speaker han acabat les preguntas del trivial i han penjat el daily plan al blog.

Hello !!
Today, the geographer will finish the first part of the postcard. The builder has gone away to an excursion to BCN. The writer and the speaker will finish the questions of trivial and they were updating the daily planing i the blog.


Avui el geographer ha començat a fer la postcard. El builder ha començat a moldejar l'edifici que ha decidit fer. El writer i l'speaker, han començat a fer les 5 preguntes del trivial i han fet el daily plan.

Today, the geographer, has begun to make the postcard. The builder, has begun to make the model of the building in Dublin which was what we thought to do. The writer and the speaker started the 5 questions and have the daily plan.

lunes, 16 de febrero de 2009


Avui el treball s'ha dividit en dos parts, la primera on ens hem dividit la feina entre els membres del grup. El Builder, ha buscat un edifici amb el qual començarà a fer la maqueta. L'Speaker i el Writer han omençat a moldejar el blog i han estat busant informaió i imatges de Dublin. El Geographer, S'ha estat mirant la ruta i avui farà les 5 primeres preguntes.


Today we have divided the task, the builder will look for a building and will start constructing the model. The speaker and the writer, were starting molding the blog and were searching informaión and images of Dublin. And the geographer, will look at the whole route of the Google Earth and will answer to the first 5 questions.
Then we will separate for espezialidades.


Hola a tots!!
Em estat mirant que ha de fer cada membre del grup i després hem començat el blog.
Hi everybody!!
We have been looking what has to do each one and then we have begun the blog.



Som el grup de Dublin:
Gerard, Aïda, Alba i Alicia.

Aquest és el nostre nou blog, on posarem com anem treballant durant els dies del treball.

Esperem que us agradi



We are the Dublin group:
Gerard, Aïda, Alba and Alicia.

This is our new blog. We will put our work here.

We hope you to enjoy the blog.

Si has llegit "Around the world in 80 days", digues que t'ha semblat.